Friday, October 18, 2013

Loneliness leads to Insanity

Yesterday was such a doom day for me.
People around might think that i'm a very sociable person,
especially high school mates as that is my impression to them.
I would say, I was, but not anymore.

There was a party for all the scholarship holder.
Fyi, scholarship holder has to work for 140 hours per year in uni to avoid being pull out.
As for me, i have not involved in any on the second year.
I thought, being a helper in this party will give me a chance to interact with scholars.
because i do not have friends who involve in this scholar thingy, i am worried of lonely.
But everything turns up was speechless, as in it wasn't what i thought.

It was a rainy day yesterday, and their plans get interrupted.
I am in the team of Games and Performance.
Performance didn't seem to be part of me as we only got brief about games.
Games were delay due to rain at the university square.
As a Games team, I didn't know what is going on and when i ask what's the plan in Whatsapp group, nobody gives me response. 
Everyone has their own classmates as their friends, how could i just mix in like that. It would be such a passer by and will get ignored.
Well, I ate alone, i walk alone,
and decided to sit alone at one of the staircase.

I was too tired.
Thanks for the day. Time wasting.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend @ Grand Lexis, Port Diskson

These days, i worked (photo booth) with my love when there is a chance.
Last few weekend was in Malacca and last weekend was in Port Dickson.

Although we were there for working purpose, but i do enjoy the short term scenery in the car.
Short term as in, weather changed too quick, and sunset only last for a quarter.
Loving the blue skies, blue seas (imagine), fluffy clouds and sunset to farewell for the day.

Grand Lexis was pretty grand. not funny i know :p 
We were there for Volkswagen Family Day and due to time constraint i do not get to explore the whole place. Hoping for another chance to visit this place ;)

On road with love is such a happiness moment. 